Koi Pond Ideas & Inspiration

Finding koi pond inspiration is the first step to knowing what sort of look your new koi pond will have. A good place to start is to analyze your existing landscape and the style of your home, from there you can begin to form a theme for the design of your koi pond that will fit seamlessly with your existing property. Examples of themes would be formal, naturalistic, modern, zen, classical, traditional Japanese, futuristic, rustic etc. A timeless design is one that can fit into almost any theme is the most expert style of design. Great design costs a lot of money but good design can be cheap or done on your own.

Designing the function of your koi pond is second nature to us and is something that you do not have to bother yourself with understanding or doing on your own. The overall look of a new koi pond is something that you can either have us fully design, or you can be part of that process and give us your inspiration for your new koi pond to begin to form a theme and overall look of the pond.

Once we have an idea for your koi pond, we can provide a full and detailed quote!


How BIG Do Koi Get?


Planning Your New Koi Pond