Alkalinity VS. Alkaline


Alkalinity is often confused with Alkaline which is a term used to describe a range on the pH scale. A common mistake and one that can set the stage for never fully grasping the basics of keeping fish. Alkalinity is essential for the nitrogen cycling process to occur. Alkalinity describes the acid buffering capacity of your pond’s water, whereas Alkaline is a word used to describe the higher end of the pH spectrum of a solution, and pH has little to do with defining the buffering capacity of your koi pond. Although connected it takes a deep understanding of the to in order to even both trying to connect alkalinity with alkaline pH. A solution is either Neutral, Alkaline, or Acidic, some use the word Basic interchangeably with the word Alkaline. Alkaline indicates a position on the pH scale while Alkalinity indicates the stability of the pH. 


Many new pond owners test their pH many times each month, chasing it around and around because they do not have any Alkalinity in their pond and so their pH is able to swing wildly which puts their entire pond and all of their fish at great risk.

Think of Alkalinity as the steering wheel for your pond’s pH, the higher the alkalinity the more firm the wheel is being gripped making it that much harder for the pH in your pond to change course. Desirable pond bacteria along with your koi can tolerate a fascinatingly wide range of pH…..But the fluctuation of pH is not tolerated well by either them.

A pH crash is when a pond becomes too acidic too fast as a result not maintaining high enough levels of Alkalinity. Pond bacteria release acids as a waste product similar to how fish release poop. If the acids produced by the bacteria in your pond outweighs the Alkalinity (ability of your pond’s water to neutralize those acids) then a pH crash can and most likely will occur.


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