Water Conditioners
Stay away from using more than one or two water conditions and stick to only what you absolutely need to keep your tap water safe for your koi. Typically one conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramines and one conditioner to add alkalinity is all that you need. In a case where well water is feeding your koi pond you may not even need those!
Water conditioners like pH adjusters, flocculants, algae killers, and “sludge removers” are a slippery slope both financially and for the health of your beloved koi pets. Many of these products can hinder resolving water quality issues from the foundation by either by giving a false and band-aid type of effect, where the pond owner may think they have solved a problem when in fact they have only added yet another product to cover up and give the illusion of solving a real issue that their pond may be having. Koi can only tolerate so many different kind of additives to their environment, so better to resolve water quality issues from the foundation up by contacting a professional, rather than adding more products to your water that can and will put your koi’s health at risk.
Municipal and well water supply varies from town to town state to state. It is a good idea to understand your water supply whether you plan to own a koi pond or not. Check to see if your water is treated with disinfectants like chloramine or chlorine, or if your water contains any elevated levels of heavy metals. The alkalinity of the water supply is also important to understand if you are or plan on raising koi in a healthy and humane environment.